How to find your pagerank

How to find your pagerank

As you know, getting found is the key challenge for your online presence. One indicator for how likely it is that someone will encounter your website is given by Google’s pagerank. While the exact calculation is hidden in the clouds, the pagerank is generally accepted as a key performance indicator for how well search engine optimization works for a site....

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The cost of a WordPress site

The cost of a WordPress site

WordPress is an amazing phenomenon! With a dedicated community contributing to open source software there is a wealth of features, functionality and experience available at no, or very low, cost. If you decide you don’t want to do it all yourself (you have a business to run after all) here is a breakdown of what a project may look like: For the sake of...

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Art and Photo Portfolios

Looking for a way to show your creations to the world? We help you make your artwork speak for itself with a website that can be subtle or bold, but always putting your work at the center of attention. A portfolio website allows you to make a statement with the art itself as the carrier of the message. However search engines aren’t good a finding images...

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Company websites

Are you looking for a traditional corporate website or a funky place to connect with teenagers? By leveraging a library of thousands of themes we help you find the look and feel, including color schemes, layout and style, that help you engage your customers.  

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Save time and money by building your website backwards

So you wonder, what on earth is Backwards Websites? It is a great question, and one that will save you a lot of time and money at that! A typical website development project looks like this (okay, this is really simplified with some made up numbers): Traditional website project: An agency helps you research and articulate the website requirements (2 weeks,...

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