The cost of a WordPress site

The cost of a WordPress site

WordPress is an amazing phenomenon! With a dedicated community contributing to open source software there is a wealth of features, functionality and experience available at no, or very low, cost. If you decide you don’t want to do it all yourself (you have a business to run after all) here is a breakdown of what a project may look like: For the sake of...

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Why backwards

Why backwards

It is a great question, and one that will save you a lot of time and money at that! With backwards we turn the web development process on its head! In short, we use ready-to-go resources to provide 90% of your website needs for 5% of the cost. Then it is up to you if you are going to use the remaining 95% to pay for the final 10% of the web features, or you may...

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Save time and money by building your website backwards

So you wonder, what on earth is Backwards Websites? It is a great question, and one that will save you a lot of time and money at that! A typical website development project looks like this (okay, this is really simplified with some made up numbers): Traditional website project: An agency helps you research and articulate the website requirements (2 weeks,...

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